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ATS and Related Education

Bridging the Gap – Arterial tortuosity syndrome documentary

The ATS Documentary – Bridging the Gap- arterial tortuosity syndrome was created to tell the story of how the team in Belgium found the gene mutation, SLC2A10, that is responsible for ATS. It goes on to describe some clinical findings and how A Twist of Fate-ATS was created and how the teams working together have transformed ATS.

Current Guidelines for ATS Management, Dr. Bert Callewaert

The Current Guidelines for ATS Management, presented by Dr. Bert Callewaert. If you are intersted in ATS managment, please watch this video.

Pulmonary Artery Surgical Intervention with Dr. Frank Hanley, Stanford Children’s Health

Pulmonary Artery Surgical Intervention with Dr. Fank Hanley from Stanford Children’s Hospital. Dr. Hanley is world famous for his intricate vascular reconstruction surgery techniques and he was very kind for a one of a kind interview with ATOF. Not all patients with ATS will require this type of surgical intervention.

Progress in arterial tortuosity syndrome, Annakatrien Boel, PhD

Progess in arterial tortuosity syndrome: presneted by Annaketrien Boel, PhD describing the research progress in ATS. Leran how animal models are created for disease discovery and how important they are to understand the mechanisms of ATS. **Warning Some graphic images.**

Anesthesia Implications for ATS: Dr. Michael Schmitz, Arkansas Children’s Hospital

Anesthesia Implications for ATS: presented by Dr. Michael Schimtz, from Arkansas Children’s Hospital discusses some very important consideration when it comes to ATS, other connective tissue disorders and any type of general anesthesia. If you are wondering about anesthesia and ATS, please watch and share with your providers, if you are needing any type of surgical intervention.

Ocular Findings in ATS: Dr. David Warner, Jones Eye Institute, UAMS, Little Rock, AR

Ocular Findings in ATS Interview with Dr. David Warner at the Jones Eye Institute in Little Rock, AR. Dr. Warner discusses his findings in ATS patietns from across the U.S..